Pastoral Care


Nurture Group at Newton Westpark

What is the purpose of a Nurture Group?

Our Nurture Group is a small class of pupils. The Nurture Group continues the ethos of an already nurturing environment within Newton Westpark and provides inclusion for all children promoting Personal, Social & Health Education.

Children are supported within Skylarks to improve their emotional well-being, self-esteem and have a sense of belonging to the school community.

We provide a structured routine with clear boundaries so the children feel safe and secure.

We follow the six principles of the Nurture Network.


The Nurture Group Principles:

1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally (stage not age)

2. The classroom/school offers a safe base

3. Nurture is important for the development of self-esteem

4. Language is understood as a vital means of communication

5. All behaviour is communication

6. Transitions are significant in the lives of children


Reasons children might attend a Nurture Group

• Low self-esteem

• They find it hard to listen to others or join in

• Family illness or break up

• Bereavement

• They find it hard to share and take turns

• They find it hard to settle into class

• Friendship difficulties - keeping/making friends

• They find it hard to accept losing a game

• They may be quiet, shy and withdrawn

A teacher might identify a child with any of the above needs. A discussion would then take place with the Headteacher, SENCO and Nurture staff. A Boxall Profile will be completed to identify possible areas of which a child might need support.


How will Skylarks help your child?

Children follow a structure and routine that is clear to both staff and children which includes group listening and speaking, work tasks, usually from their teacher, individual and shared playing and social skills. The group runs on consistency, positive reinforcement and praise. Skylarks will help to boost confidence and self-esteem and provide children with extra skills to improve social skills and independence for example:

• To engage in lessons

• To listen

• To concentrate

• To share and take turns

• To accept losing a game

• To build friendship with their classmates

• Gives opportunities to talk about and understand their feelings

• To work on curriculum based activities from their classrooms

• To experience and practice the development of positive relationships

Does this mean my child is naughty?

No, these sessions are designed to help children manage situations and increase their skills to become more successful learners.

How long will my child attend Skylarks?

A child may attend for 1-4 terms. However, we ensure that children do not miss special assemblies, guests in school, outings or any special events that the rest of their class are taking part in. The Nurture team plan closely with the class teachers.

Are parents/carers involved?

Yes, we pride ourselves on having an open door policy where parents/carers can come and chat with the class teacher or the Nurture staff with regard to their child. Occasionally special events will be run for parents to come and see what their child does e.g. share in toast time or story time.

We pride ourselves on our nurturing ethos. We aim to provide the highest quality pastoral support throughout the school. Working collaboratively, all staff ensure the nurturing ethos is embedded throughout using the Six Principles of Nurture.